Thursday, May 17, 2012

Seemingly insignificant

So, I said that I would be thinking about the next way to reset my life and I did. It's something that is seemingly insignificant and it is a very little thing, but technically it is important and will affect a few things I normally do! Drum roll please........ I am going to take my thyroid medicine at the same time everyday! Not a big deal, right? Well, for some reason it has proven to be difficult for me. Probably because taking it at the same time means waking up at the same time... everyday. Which I haven't done regularly in a really long time! I mean, I haven't set an alarm since I don't know when! My kids are my alarm! That usually means rising at or before 7:00am. But, I'm not the kind that hops out of bed and is suddenly all chipper (though I'm hoping the Ultimate Reset will help with that). For now, my plan is to rise 30 minutes before my kids, so that when they wake up I'm a happy mommy! Another reason this is important is that I am not supposed to eat for 30 minutes after taking my pill. Therefore, I rarely sit down to eat breakfast with my 2 kids during the weekdays. They often watch a show while eating breakfast and I know that is not the best thing! With this new plan in effect, by the time the kids are up, I can have breakfast ready for all 3 of us (my hubby is usually already gone to workout) and we can sit at the table together to eat! This will provide me with more quality time with my children and less tv time for them! I am looking forward to the sweet, funny or just plain memorable conversations we may have in the coming months at breakfast time!

1 comment:

  1. i am cheering you on and praying for you every step of the way! Seek ye first... :)
