Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Hangover

There is no alcohol involved in this hangover. Nope! This is a food hangover! I wouldn't have believed it if you had told me this could happen. All I did was eat some of my previously favorite things. You see this week was my son's birthday and I made him an ice cream cake (with organic vanilla ice cream). I had some the night of his actual birthday and I instantly felt rotten after eating it, but I thought I just ate too much.Well, last night I decided to have a small sliver. But then, I also had a small cup of non fat cows milk. Sugar and dairy! That's caffeine, no alcohol, no majorly processed foods, just some sugar and dairy! And can I tell you how physically rotten I feel this morning. It feels exactly like I had too much to drink last night! This has to be one of the strangest feelings! I used to go through a gallon of skim milk in 1 week, by myself! Maybe that was contributing to some of the sluggishness I used to feel? I used to suspect that I had some kind of issue with dairy, because if I had something with cream in it I used to get a yucky feeling. However, I never stopped drinking my milk. I thought it was probably just the high fat content of the cream and besides a girl needs her calcium, right? It's true, we need at least 1000mg of calcium each day. Did you know that according to several articles (including one on 75% of Americans are deficient in calcium? Well, many of those are cheese eating, milk drinking folks! Anyhow, I can always take a calcium supplement, but there are a lot of non dairy options out there too. Here is a list of 25 non dairy sources of calcium. I can tell you that I won't be having any dairy for a long while (maybe ever) and I just don't think I can handle the sugar.
You know having that little bit of sugar just made me want more...well yesterday I wanted, you couldn't force feed it to me! You know the funny thing is I thought I was doing good just having a sliver, like 1/4 of what I would have sliced myself pre-reset! My husband warned me...I should have listened!
No more dairy or white sugar for this girl!

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