Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 15

Another day down and doing great! I don't even mind the alkalinize anymore! At first I had to gag it down! Now, I do add a bit more water so that the flavor isn't so pungent, but I can drink it and not gag! I might even say that I kinda like it!!?? :) I guess when you do something long enough, you get used to it?
Anyhow, all is well. Each day I am more and more glad that I decided to commit to doing this reset. It has been so good for my body and mind.
I went to the grocery store today, as I am planning to leave for a homeschool conference tomorrow and will be gone all weekend. Therefore, I want to prepare all of my meals ahead of time, so that I can be successful while I am gone. Anyhow, while I was at the store my shopping experience had changed. I couldn't bring myself to buy anything that wasn't completely natural! I couldn't buy anything filled with sugar. Now, I wasn't buying for myself, because obviously I wouldn't be buying that for my reset meals...I was buying for my kids! It is so amazing once you get a little bit of information how it can change you forever! You know those packages of food that look healthy or even say they are healthy...well so many of them are not! That's right! The claims on the outside of the package are most often misleading! Truthfully, most of the time, you are better off skipping the packaged food altogether! I don't think I will ever look at a oatmeal creme pie in the same way ever again! I used to love those things! Want to see the here. Corn syrup is the #1 ingredient, never-mind the fact that there is bleached flour, hydrogenated oils and red & yellow food dyes in those little delights! If you really want one, you can google "homemade oatmeal cream pies" and lots of recipes will be at your fingertips!
Here is a healthier cream pie here. It is still by no means "health food", but it is certainly a much better alternative! The nice thing about eating healthy is there are almost always better alternatives to your favorite prepackaged items. If you look for the recipes and take the time to make them, you can remove a lot of preservatives, food dyes, hfcs(or other unnatural sweeteners), unhealthy oils and white flour from your diet.
It is all about putting forth the effort.

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